Very trying. When it comes to the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, I have been in the past of two minds:
One, people should be respectful of others. Drawing purposefully offensive cartoons will offend people, and you therefore should not be surprised when people are offended.
Two, when people are trying to offend you, you shouldn't get offended (well, violently offended.) You become the monster they portray you to be when you overreact. This is not to say that you shouldn't speak out against offensive bigotry or to repress an opinion. But rioting, burning shit, or killing people is not only amoral but also ineffective.
After this week, all I have to say is that I will not stand for silencing by violence.
The following cartoon is offensive. If you are a moderate Muslim, you by all rights should be offended. Both by me and by the people who are fucking over your peaceful religion. I understand that movements suck. If a there are one thousand people in a group and only one is an asshole, it makes it seem like the entire group is made of assholes. The trick is to be the bigger person, and continue to show your devotion to peace, even when being deeply offended.
Muhammad believed that god set forth trials and tribulations, fitna. Well so do I:
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Terrorism yet again fucks over the religion of peace |
And to the Atheist and the Christianist. Don't hate. Hatred is a self-replicating virus. Hating leads to more hate.
There are a billion muslims. Don't let two assholes speak for a billion.
Liam '15
Feel free to comment but, please, hold the racist, prejudicial bullshit for your own site. And don't comment if you haven't read the article. I fucking hate that... shit I just said something about hate.