It is my
firmly held belief that many Conservative-Christian have confused gays for
vampires. I have come to this conclusion based on the following arguments made
by actual people.
1. Gays are Turned Gay
On the December 12, 2012 episode of the show The 700 Club, Pat
Robertson received a letter asking for his advice... why? Who
the fuck knows why anyone would ask him about anything, but it happened.
Anyway, the question reads:
Growing up, I had a best friend. We
parted ways after high school. Ten years later, we got back in touch. I am
really glad to see her because I've always thought of her as my sister. But
recently, I invited her to meet my children. She said yes – and asked if she
could bring her 'partner.' I said, 'Okay.' I know that my friend's family has
shunned her because of her lifestyle, and I don't want to be like that. I want
to show love – but I don't want her to think I am okay with her ways. And I
don't feel comfortable having her around my children. Should I keep this
Robertson answers:
You keep love, you loved her, you
were close and your influence may have something significant to her, the idea
is you don’t gain anything by shunning, but at the same you don’t want your
children to grow up as lesbians…
Yep, more pedophilia recruitment bullshit. Instead of biting
and infecting to recruit new members, we drive Subarus, drink white wines, and
shop at Bed Bath & Beyond. Anyone who witnesses this behavior becomes
Well if you can't get them to join, you can always get them
with your Aids Ring, eh?
To use the parlance created by the vampire
mythos, nobody has sired me. And I have sired no gaylings. I have no attraction to straight men. In fact, straight guys kind of disgust me actually.
Secondly, notice how the Asker never states that she has a daughter; she says she has "children." If they're boy children,
wouldn't they become the manliest, straight-men ever butched up, simply by
hanging out with Auntie U-Haul? You know wearing flannel, playing sports,
eating pussy. It seems like Pat kind of assumed on this one. And come on Pat, you know what they say about what happens when you assume.
2. Gays are Demonically Possessed
On the May 18, 2012 David
Pakman Show, Gordon Klingenshit Klingenschmitt had a few pearls of wisdom he wanted to share with the world:
Anyone who’s studied biology and Punnett squares and
Mendelian genetics obviously has to agree with me that homosexuality cannot be
genetic, because if, say, a blond haired man and a blonde haired woman have
children there's a pretty good chance that their kid might have blonde hair…
and let’s say that a homosexual man mates with another homosexual man, there’s
a one hundred percent chance they won’t have children. So they have to recruit the
children of heterosexuals, and that’s what this whole marketing scheme for the pro-homosexual movement is all about.
Pakman then asked Klingenschmitt about gay animals, also known as gaynimals and how they aren't exposed to marketing, because, well, they're animals:
It is entirely possible — we know from the Bible, for
example, when Jesus cast the devil out of Legion, he went into a herd of pigs.
So, it is possible for demons or the devil to inhabit or invade animals just
the same way they invade humans, and that causes the sin of lust.
Legion wasn't one being; it wasn't the Devil; it comes from Latin meaning I am hundreds... When asked to clarify his point, Klingenschmitt stated:
Marketing is related to the demonic, because the devil
wants to recruit people into sin.
So being gay means, demonic possession. I
think this may have been the plot to season one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer; in
which case I am so definitely Spike.
3. To Cure the Gays Simply Pray Away the Gay
I am not even going to waste my time by offering up any
quotes as evidence that I am not trying to build a strawman for this one.
Yep, so go on and hold up your crosses and your bibles at
Gay Pride Parades. That will definitely protect you from the gay just
like it does against vampires.
Garlic and holy-water too. And my reflexion can't
be capture by a mirror or a camera. That's why my blogger photo is a drawing.
4. Gays are not Natural
Sweet so I guess that makes me supernatural. Fuck Yeah! I
am going to go fight crime with the power of teh gayz. Ooo ooo.. I could be the
Crimson Cock. Fighting crime with my rod of justice.
Oh, wait... Unfortunately it's still a criminal statute in
Virginia. It is laid out in Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-361:
Crimes against nature; penalty.
A. If any person carnally knows in
any manner any brute animal, or carnally knows any male or female person by the
anus or by or with the mouth, or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge, he
or she shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony, except as provided in subsection B.
Dear Legislative body of Virginia, fix your laws, you
jackasses. Ken "the Cooch" Cuccinelli lost the gubernatorial race over his defense of this statute (the statute was struck down in Lawrence v. Texas. The Cooch claimed the statute was need to prosecute rapists... in which case he should have lobbied the Legislature when he was serving Vice Lieutenant Governor for a new and more legal version of the statute. But no, he instead was a complete fuck-head. So guess what, it's been more than a decade since the Court struck down the statute, and it is still in the Code and nothing has been done, when it easily, easily could pass the legislative process... for fuck sake what is wrong with these stupid bastards. Fix your goddamn laws you goddamn idiots. That's your fucking job, you fucking incompetent asses.) Anyway, I've digressed enough.
I am unnatural, an aberration who casts no shadow. I mean that's the only explanation, because there's no such thing as gaynimals (well except those some 4,000 documented species.) I couldn't possible exist without magic or Satan or whatever you call it.
Secondly, before any asshole mumbles, "just because animals do it doesn't make it right. Some animals practice cannibalism blah blah blah," I just want to point out I am not saying that gay sex is moral. I am answering the claim "Gays are unnatural." The question of morality is a different subject that relies on notions such as consent, damages, harm, etc. After hours of reading articles on gaynimals, I have not come across an author making the claim that because it is natural it is moral.
As a postlogue, I would just like to point out that the arguments present by the Christianists were relatively low-hanging fruit. A simple google search will show that they are not nearly alone in their views of gay people. They seem pretty prevalent to me.
This is every gay person I know in a nutshell |
Count Orlok in a speedo... why not?
Liam '14