Once again it is the anniversary of Lawrence v. Texas, which was the landmark case that overturned Bowers.
While I have read the decision multiple times, I am currently reading Flagrant Conduct by Dale Carpenter. I have to say that, even though I am only half way through it, it is shifted my perspective on what Lawrence means and the events that lead to Lawrence and Garner's arrest.
Once again, Monday seems to be the most likely time for Obergefell to be issued, but as of this writing it could be today. Possible, but unlikely I will have two post, one on Obergefell and one on King v. Burwell for the weekend.
In honor of the day, may your sex-life be full and your dildos be silicone.
Liam '15
Showing posts with label Happy Pride Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Pride Month. Show all posts
Friday, June 26, 2015
Saturday, June 28, 2014
A Gay Reading of Lawrence v. Texas
Hey Look what I found on YouTube.
Some dickhead stole my voice, my image, and my childlike sense of humour. Oh, wait no, I was drunk again and decided it would be fun to post a video.
So go check it out if you fucking hate reading.
I'm planning on reading some of my favorite cases and doing my thing with them. So keep a look out for more.
Liam '14
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The F-Bomb
That's what the other boy's called me in high school when they knocked the cafeteria tray out of my hands. My food hitting the cold rubber floor.
I felt diminutive. Disgusted with myself. How did they know? Did they really know? I didn't date; so maybe that's how they knew. Alone and gay, paying for a crime I had yet to commit. And they probably didn't even know.
But still I was suffering alone, because I didn't want to suffer alone.
My skin still crawls every time I hear that word. Every time someone else is called that word. In magazines, in newspapers, on TV. My skin crawls.
I am that fag. The one getting pushed, getting beaten, getting ridiculed. Because I don't want to be alone, I am made to feel so alone.
Whenever a coworker or a friend of a friend makes an innocuous comment that I'll soon discover my paternal instinct, I want to scream "don't you get it, I'm a fag!"
And I feel worthless, in so many different ways.
Partly because I chose that word. Partly because I am wounded. Partly because I remained silent.
I won't remain silent. I won't be intimidated. And I won't be alone.
I am a fag.
Liam '14
I felt diminutive. Disgusted with myself. How did they know? Did they really know? I didn't date; so maybe that's how they knew. Alone and gay, paying for a crime I had yet to commit. And they probably didn't even know.
But still I was suffering alone, because I didn't want to suffer alone.
My skin still crawls every time I hear that word. Every time someone else is called that word. In magazines, in newspapers, on TV. My skin crawls.
I am that fag. The one getting pushed, getting beaten, getting ridiculed. Because I don't want to be alone, I am made to feel so alone.
Whenever a coworker or a friend of a friend makes an innocuous comment that I'll soon discover my paternal instinct, I want to scream "don't you get it, I'm a fag!"
And I feel worthless, in so many different ways.
Partly because I chose that word. Partly because I am wounded. Partly because I remained silent.
I won't remain silent. I won't be intimidated. And I won't be alone.
I am a fag.
Liam '14
Monday, June 2, 2014
Happy Pride Month
Fly my pretties!!!
and don't give me any lip
about the Wick Witch of the West never actually saying that.
Go paint the world pink.
Let your fag flag fly.
Be your glorious self.
Kiss a man in public.
Kiss a man in the pubic.
Don't kiss a man's pubic in public... that's still illegal.
Dance your ass off.
And love.
Most importantly love.
and don't give me any lip
about the Wick Witch of the West never actually saying that.
Go paint the world pink.
Let your fag flag fly.
Be your glorious self.
Kiss a man in public.
Kiss a man in the pubic.
Don't kiss a man's pubic in public... that's still illegal.
Dance your ass off.
And love.
Most importantly love.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Happy Sodomy Day
Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003) turned 9 today. So go celibate with a steak and a blowjob. Just do it in your home, or you'll forfeit your right to privacy.
The Birds & the Birds and the Bees & the Bees
I think it is time to have the talk. Yep this talk is about doing the nasty, which I want to remind the straight community is only a portion of what it means to be fantastic. But now and again, gay people do happen to have sex. Shocking, I know. I found the following video on Joe. My. God.
As a quick aside I want to comment on the behavior of the sign smasher. I cannot condone what this man did, even though I understand the sheer anger and frustration that he must have been experiencing. Hate only begets hate. Violence only begets violence. The Gay Community has its freedom of speech, as well as the drool-monkeys. The Community doesn't want to be silenced, so don't silence others, even if they are liars and bigots.
Showing hatred only detracts from the truth that Gay Rights is about love and tolerance. Yes, this man was simply acting as a human and defending himself and his community, yet the community has the arduous task of being more than human.
The portion of the video that really bothers me, though, is the asinine notion that gay people practice "gerbil stuffing." Nobody actually has done that. It is an urban legend. If you are dumb enough to believe that one, please, please, for your own safety, buy a skateboard helmet. And then wear it all the time. Don't take it off in the shower or for bed. You may not be smart enough to quite grasp the whole walking thing yet, and I really don't want to see you get hurt if you fall down. If this were true, the people who were doing it would be arrested for bestiality.
Really though I want to know why it's only gays who are on the hook for being sexual deviants in this country. Why don't those up-tight drool-monkeys go and protest straight porn shops (not that I think they should.) Anyway many things that gay people enjoy straight people also happen to enjoy.
Anal Sex. It's not just for gay people. Secondly, not all gay people have it. I don't mean that some people are tops, and that some people are bottoms; I mean that some couples only ever have oral sex.
On a more frightening note, fisting is real. I'm not condemning it, nor am I endorsing it. If you do not know what fisting is, I would say you're probably lucky. If you do not want to know what it is, I would say just skip down to the next paragraph, but that too is graphic. Fisting is when a person uses a lot of lube and insert the full hand after normal foreplay. Some people actually do this and here are names of famous fisters:
Alisha Klass
Alisha Klass
Ashley Long.
Audrey Hollander
Autumn Hayes
Autumn Hayes
Bridgette Kerkove
Carli Banks
Charlene Aspen
Daniella Rush
Jasmine Lynn
Juliana Sterling
Julie Silver
Katja Kassin
Keisha Kylie Ireland
Kim Holland
Phyllisha Anne
Carli Banks
Charlene Aspen
Daniella Rush
Jasmine Lynn
Juliana Sterling
Julie Silver
Katja Kassin
Keisha Kylie Ireland
Kim Holland
Phyllisha Anne
Taylor Moore
Taylor St. Clair
Trinity Max
Taylor St. Clair
Trinity Max
I could go on, but I got bored with all the porn. Notice that this list is compiled of people who are all women (if not silicone). My point is that straight people also fist. Big shock. Straight people are just as horny, just as deviant, and just as curious as gay people. Even sexually gay people are just people, the main difference is they are attracted to persons of the same sex.
Here are a few other things that heterosexuals do that are kind of silly.
Crush Fetish. Eroticism due to objects being crushed. If your mate is attracted to having their genitals being abused just be careful.
Pissing. You know it's true love if she let's you urinate on her. But if she asks to be urinated on...yeah.
Pegging. I think Dan Savage came up with the term. but it definitely is a straight thing. Why would gay men need a strap-on? Well I guess if a Crush Fetish went horribly wrong...
BDSM. Ever read Venus in Furs? Kafka did. Some people like to be tied down. Some people love to get dressed up in shiny suits of leather. Others love a good ol' spanking.
Whatever people do in their home is their prerogative, with limited exception. As long as the participating parties are consenting adults and they get off by those activities, everything is gravy.
And for the bigots and the hate-monkeys out there who hide behind their religion, a Christian God doesn't care what people shove up their asses; a Christian God is concerned for the poor, the starving and the homeless. Two years after a massive earthquake, 400,000 people are still displaced. or why not use that Saturday where they looked like a bunch of jackass to go down to the Salvation Army. 21% of children in America live in poverty, and many local Salvation Army offices have programs which provide backpacks filled with food to qualifying children. In fact anyone reading this, gay or straight should sacrifice some of their time to this awesome program. It would make a good post pride activity in fact. I think that would make Jesus happy.
Liam '12
Freedom Just For Me
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The Gayest President
Happy Pride Month.
Georg Büchner once wrote: "Aber da, da, was liegt hinter dem? Geh, wir haben grobe Sinne. Einander kennen? Wir muessten uns die Schaedeldecken aufbrechen und die Gedanken einander aus den Hirnfasern zerren." How do we know what another person is thinking. We would have to crack open their skull and pull out their brain.
Obviously I cannot know what is going through another person's mind, especially if that person's the President. But this is what I believe is the background to the President's change of heart on gay-marriage.
I believe that President Obama has lied to the American People. It's en vogue to call the President a liar. It's fashionable to call any president a liar actually, but that's a different subject for a different day. Despite his policy positions, he has to be a Socialist-Marxist-Kenyan-Muslim-Secularist-Atheist-Christhating-SOB, because he is lying.
The basic history of Obama goes like this. He has been in the closet for the last eight years.He experimented with supporting Gay Rights in college like so many do, but then was scared back in when he realized people might be judge him for it. Finally his conscience caught up with him and after he outed himself, he looks like the weight of the world has been taken off his chest.
However I think President Obama was actually lying to the American Public in 2004 when he stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman religious-blah. His comments were in contradiction to his 8 year old (law professor) statements that he supportedultra-gay marriage. And once again he said it was his personal religious convictions that made him no longer support gay-marriage.
I allude to this position as the law professor position due to the Fourteenth Amendment and how states have historically taken a Cleveland Steamer on it, whenever possible. Selective Inclusion (also known as the Supreme Court releasing a decision every other week from 1868 to Malloy v. Hogan saying the Bill of Rights are applicable to the States) shows that every right on a state level has to be fought for even if the courts have already granted that right or one similar.
In 1967 the Supreme Court issued its decision in Loving v. Virginia, and soon it will grant gay-marriage rights on essentially the same grounds as Loving with Perry v. Brown. Freedom, Penumbras, and Privacy O My. Privacy is prerequisite for liberty and was etched byuberfascist liberal courts with decisions like Hogan, Loving, Griswold, Eisenstadt, and Lawrence. So as a law professor it would seem obvious that short of a new constitutional amendment gay-marriage is inevitable. Why weren't the freedom loving Conservatives in favor of free loving (or privacy for that matter)? I can think of no greater freedom than choosing who you want to marry, love, and live with.
In 2004 Obama upgraded to Obama 2.0 and became a real politician. Like any real politician his position crapped on the 14th Amendment. His official stance was the issue was separate but equal (because we all know how that worked out the first time). I can only conclude that this was a position taken because at the time Guns, God, and Gays. Even at this time he supported Civil Unions thus supporting the freedom to love and live with whoever you want. The moral of the story is apparently politics are stupid and make good rational men make terrible decisions for no real reasons.
Then in 2012 crazy eyes Uncle Biden blurted out in front of the whole family on thanksgiving that President Obama is gay for gay-marriage. Interestingly his policy shift happened 2 months after the Ninth Circuit issued their decision on Perry v. Brown and after it was announced it would be heading for the Supreme Court in the not too distant near.
On a completely random ass ending, I would like to say: let's end the Gay Debate once and for all for every culture in the world. As far as I know all objections to gay-marriage come from religious institutes.What kind of God is more obsessed with what we shove up our asses than with the 5.5 million children that die each year due to starvation. 83 Million Dollars were spent by backers of Prop 8. I cannot bring myself to write the sentence linking those two thoughts. Grow up.
Liam '12
Freedom Just For Me
Georg Büchner once wrote: "Aber da, da, was liegt hinter dem? Geh, wir haben grobe Sinne. Einander kennen? Wir muessten uns die Schaedeldecken aufbrechen und die Gedanken einander aus den Hirnfasern zerren." How do we know what another person is thinking. We would have to crack open their skull and pull out their brain.
Obviously I cannot know what is going through another person's mind, especially if that person's the President. But this is what I believe is the background to the President's change of heart on gay-marriage.
I believe that President Obama has lied to the American People. It's en vogue to call the President a liar. It's fashionable to call any president a liar actually, but that's a different subject for a different day. Despite his policy positions, he has to be a Socialist-Marxist-Kenyan-Muslim-Secularist-Atheist-Christhating-SOB, because he is lying.
The basic history of Obama goes like this. He has been in the closet for the last eight years.He experimented with supporting Gay Rights in college like so many do, but then was scared back in when he realized people might be judge him for it. Finally his conscience caught up with him and after he outed himself, he looks like the weight of the world has been taken off his chest.
However I think President Obama was actually lying to the American Public in 2004 when he stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman religious-blah. His comments were in contradiction to his 8 year old (law professor) statements that he supported
I allude to this position as the law professor position due to the Fourteenth Amendment and how states have historically taken a Cleveland Steamer on it, whenever possible. Selective Inclusion (also known as the Supreme Court releasing a decision every other week from 1868 to Malloy v. Hogan saying the Bill of Rights are applicable to the States) shows that every right on a state level has to be fought for even if the courts have already granted that right or one similar.
In 1967 the Supreme Court issued its decision in Loving v. Virginia, and soon it will grant gay-marriage rights on essentially the same grounds as Loving with Perry v. Brown. Freedom, Penumbras, and Privacy O My. Privacy is prerequisite for liberty and was etched by
In 2004 Obama upgraded to Obama 2.0 and became a real politician. Like any real politician his position crapped on the 14th Amendment. His official stance was the issue was separate but equal (because we all know how that worked out the first time). I can only conclude that this was a position taken because at the time Guns, God, and Gays. Even at this time he supported Civil Unions thus supporting the freedom to love and live with whoever you want. The moral of the story is apparently politics are stupid and make good rational men make terrible decisions for no real reasons.
Then in 2012 crazy eyes Uncle Biden blurted out in front of the whole family on thanksgiving that President Obama is gay for gay-marriage. Interestingly his policy shift happened 2 months after the Ninth Circuit issued their decision on Perry v. Brown and after it was announced it would be heading for the Supreme Court in the not too distant near.
On a completely random ass ending, I would like to say: let's end the Gay Debate once and for all for every culture in the world. As far as I know all objections to gay-marriage come from religious institutes.What kind of God is more obsessed with what we shove up our asses than with the 5.5 million children that die each year due to starvation. 83 Million Dollars were spent by backers of Prop 8. I cannot bring myself to write the sentence linking those two thoughts. Grow up.
Liam '12
Freedom Just For Me
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